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Black Hill Woods

Orange Cinnamon Black Tea

Orange Cinnamon Black Tea

Regular price $7.99 CAD
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If you are a tea lover, then you are probably familiar with black tea. It is a popular and classic tea choice that has a rich aroma and a smooth flavor.

Black loose tea is a type of tea that is made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. The leaves are withered, rolled, and then oxidized, which gives the tea its distinct dark color and bold flavor. The aroma of black loose tea is a result of the chemical compounds found within the tea leaves, such as terpenes, which are responsible for the earthy and fruity scents.

The aroma of black loose tea can also be affected by the environment in which it was grown. Factors such as soil quality, altitude, and climate can all impact the fragrance and flavor of the tea leaves. For example, tea leaves grown at higher altitudes tend to have a more floral and delicate aroma, while leaves grown in warmer climates may have a stronger, more robust scent.

When brewing black loose tea, it's important to use water that is at the correct temperature. Water that is too hot can cause the tea to become bitter, while water that is too cool may not extract the full flavor and aroma of the leaves. It's also important to steep the tea for the correct amount of time, as over-steeping can also result in a bitter taste.

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